
YW-8000SHY-T2 高周波安全防護罩塑膠熔接機-坐式

技術參數/ Specifications :
型號 Model YW-8000SHY-T2
電源電壓 Power Voltage AC 220/380/400/415V
輸入功率 Input Power 12KVA
定盤尺寸 Work Plate Size 350*700/400*800MM 
機器淨重 Net Weight 500KG
機器毛重 Gross Weight 600KG
高周輸出 H.F. Output Power 8KW
振盪管 Oscillation Tube 7T69RB

​​​​特性 / Features :

1. 改良式的抗輻射保護裝置設備,讓使用者免於直接受到機台非游離輻射的傷害。
YW-8000SHY-T2 is an anti-radiation model for better protection for the operator by minimizing the risk of exposure

2. 可保護近運作的機台電子設備避免被干擾。
With the safety cover design of this machine, it reduces other digital devices from influencing. 

3. 改良式安全機械結構,裁切位置與運作區域都已安全防護罩蓋保護著。
YW-8000SHY-T2 has stronger structure than traditional model, and is well covered by safety covers, with this safety design, it offers safe working environment.

4. 使用一種特別設計的氣油壓混合的增壓缸,能瞬間使產生高壓而達到最大的操作效能。
YW-8000SHY-T2 installed the Air/Oil converting boost cylinder, it provides greater level of pressing power while requiring less energy usage than traditional cylinder.

5. 本機具有成品計件功能。
The output counter installed on YW-8000SHY-T2 allows operator to keep on track with the production line’s productivity.

6. 高周秒數設定與微調(0-99.9秒),高周自動循環次數設定與微調(0-99次),最後冷壓時間設定與微調(0-99.9秒)
This machine can control accurately with the digitalized setting controller. Thus, YW-8000SHY-T2 can manage the production results precisely.

7. 自動化的電子火花抑制器回路,當產生火花時,能自動立即地將高周波電源切斷。
YW-8000SHY-T2 contains the anti-flash system, it well protect not only the input materials, processing mold, the machine parts, but also the safety of operators.