
YW-988 3D真空邊牆熱壓機

3D Vacuum Hot Press Forming Machine
技術參數/ Specifications :​
型號 Model YW-988
工作壓力 Work Pressure 負壓 Negative Pressure
馬力 Horse Power 5HP
工作面積 Hot Plate Work Area 600*400MM
最大行程 Max. Route 100MM
電熱功率 Power 15KW
機器尺寸 Machine Size 120*182*200CM
機器淨重 Net Weight 800KG

特性/ Features:

1. 本機針對各種織物和熱熔膠貼合做一立體成型機種。
YW-988 is capable to do three-dimensional hot molding. Moreover, it can be applied to many kinds of fabric and hot melt.  

2. 本機種之結構,含熱風箱及真空箱及矽膠片三部份,熱風箱中不論用任何一種熱源,包括電熱管,陶瓷電熱管或紅外線加熱器……等等,利用熱風電機使之熱空氣平衡在風箱內流動。
This 3D Vacuum Hot Press Forming Machine has three main parts, which are hot-blast box, vacuum box and hot melt pad. Hot-blast box only applies heat air within its air flowing unit.

3. 此機台風箱下層放置一塊可以吸熱及耐高溫之矽膠使用其能將鞋楦緊密包複好,使熱風箱之熱能透過矽膠片傳達到要定型之材料上,使之有良好定型。
Silicone pad under the hot-blast box well covers shoe materials, and it allows the heat air transfer through the processing material for better hot pressing result.

4. 至於直空箱之做用是真空泵將其真空儲蓄桶內之空氣先行抽為真空後,當電磁閥門打開時,可使真空箱在短時間內變成真空,而將矽膠往下吸使其織物和貼合材料(複合材料)可以緊貼在鞋楦上面而型成3D立體貼合。
The 3D hot-pressing is done by the vacuum box, which holds the both silicone pad and the material together.