
YW-8825HY-A 全自動電腦自動追蹤油壓式高周波熔斷機

Automatic Computer Auto-Track High Frequency Welding...
技術參數/ Specifications :
型號 Model YW-8825HY-A
輸入電源 Voltage AC 220V/380V/415V/440V 3Φ
輸入功率 Input Power 50KVA
最大壓力 Max. Pressure Force 30T
定盤尺寸 Work Plate Size 600*520MM
行程 Press Route 250MM
高周輸出 HF Output Power 25KW
高周頻率 Oscillation Frequency 27.12MHz
震盪管 Oscillation Tube 8T25RA
滿載電流 Full Load Current 85A
馬力 Horse Power 5HP+1/4HP
機器尺寸 Machine Size 160*260*200 CM
機器淨重 Net Weight Approx. 1800KG

特性/ Features:

This machine is designed with auto-tracking system, current can be set individually (upper plate and lower plate) on the monitor. Once the current number is set in the setting, the auto-tracking system will start tracking the current and make sure it stays in the same current while the machine is operating. Thus, in this case, there is no need for operator to adjust the coherent individually while operating this machine.

Based on the thickness of different materials, the setting of the upper plate and lower plate can be set differently. After keying in the thickness setting, YW-8825HY-A is able to work precisely based on the setting in order to have a good control the output quality.

3.本機可精準的控制產品裁斷的深度達到理想的裁斷效果, 同時大量減少對絕緣板的損耗。
This machine controls the cutting setting precisely in order to provide ideal cutting effects and reduce the chances of insulation board wearing.

This machine uses PLC controller, because of this, the time can be measured accurately up to 0.01 second. Thus, it produces great quality products with the PLC controller.

This machine uses pneumatic/hydraulic pressurized system, thus, it is noiselessness during operating. Moreover, the speed for it to pressurize is fast and the pressure adjusting range is wide.

6.本機具有裁斷功能,高周熔接與裁斷可一次完成,電腦化控制 , 數字化呈現 , 提高加工精密程度 。
This machine is designed with multi-functioning feature. It is able to do high frequency welding and cutting at once. Moreover, YW-8825HY-A adopts computerized interface and digitized control monitor. Since the entire machine's setting is digitized, it provides great output quality.

7.大工作面積 , 一次可以配排多量面料 , 增加單一次的加工數量 , 增加產能 。
Extra-large processing space allows operator to place large amount of input materials in one go, which increases productivity of processing line.

8.上下工作 台 的設計 , 減 去了等待加工的時間 , 在加工第一工作平台時 , 可擺上物料在第二平台上 , 增加生產量。
YW-8825HY-A contains two processing plates in order to increase the production since there is no waste of time on waiting during operation.

9.自動送料盤設計 , 減去人員的操作步驟 , 增加產量 , 更避免了人員自行操作可能潛在的危險。
This machine loaded materials automatically, thus operator can avoid potential harm by performing this action. Moreover, the productivity is raised by less procedure acted.

10.本機型裝有火花抑制系統 , 安全的保護加工物和模具 。
It adopts anti-flash system to protect input materials and the processing mold.

11.本機完整包覆 , 減低電 磁 波對操作人員和其他電子設備的干擾。
Radiation is reduced by well covered structure of the machine, both operators and digital device won't be affected.