
YW-872 兩段式貼合機

技術參數/ Specifications :
型號 Model YW-872
機器尺寸 Machine Size 280*105*110CM
電壓 Power Voltage 380V
功率 Input Power 4KW
馬力 Motor 0.5HP
貼合寬度 Laminating Width 460MM

特性/ Features:

1. 此機採用開邊式, 適合較大裁片及鞋面內襯補強片貼合。
YW-872 is designed open-sided. Thus, it works great on large pieces laminating and shoes vamp lining laminating. 
2. 本機安裝了冷卻風管, 可在高溫關機的情況下, 自動散熱, 直到低於75°C後 會自動關機。
Cooling pipe is installed in YW-872. Therefore, this machine can be turn off even it’s still under high temperature because of the cooling pipe. It reduces heat automatically until the temperature is lower than 75°C, then this machine actually turns off. 
3. 採用無接縫鐵氟龍運輸帶. 採用有特殊構造裝置, 可自動排除皮帶偏離, 確保皮帶使用壽命更長。
Our company uses No-Sew Teflon Conveying Belt as the material. The structure of this machine is specially designed to help avoiding the conveying belt to go off the track and the extending using lifetime for conveying belt. 

4. 上下層運輸帶裝有清潔刮片, 能及時清理雜物, 使貼合效果更佳。
Both of the upper and lower conveying belts have cleaning blades to clean up/ move away the dirt. With the cleaning blades, products get laminated better. 

5. 加熱方面採用前後分開控制溫控, 同時採用了固態繼電器, 使溫度更準確。
YW-872 has two temperature controllers, which are the front temperature controller and back temperature controller. Besides these two temperature controllers, SSR is also installed in both of these machines. With all of these, the temperature can be control and measure accurately.  

6. 加工寬度為460mm, 輸送長度為1500mm, 加熱空間為780mm, 以1500mm*100mm材料計算每分鐘可壓100片材料, 根據不同材料, 可調快慢。
The width range of product to be processed is up to 460mm and the conveying length is 1500mm. The size of the heating area is 780mm. A material of 1500mm*100mm can be separated into 100 pieces every minute. The working speed can be change based on the different materials. 

7. 壓力方面採用氣壓式加壓, 根據不同材料可調氣壓閥來控制壓力大小。
This machine uses pneumatic to give pressure to for hot pressing. Pneumatic valve is able to control the pressure base on different materials. 

8. 作業使用連續式無接縫鐵龍輸送帶, 更能提高生產效率。
The productivity is higher with no-Sew Teflon Conveying Belt.